"Being the best is not about beating everyone else. Its about beating who you were yesterday."

"Being the best is not about beating everyone else. Its about beating who you were yesterday."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"I got a feeling".......

Today in crossfit i attempted a muscle up and immediatly afterward felt a very harp pain in both my elbows. I assumed i just pushed it a little too much or i wasnt warmed up enough,  either way i was not able to do the WOD which had tricep ring dips in it. (uuhhhh a weakness i need to work on) Whats girl to do? Well i'll tell you what a girl like me did. I pouted around, mumbled under my breath "stupid muscle ups" okay so thats probabaly not the most effecient nor mature way to handle things, but at that time it sure did make me feel better. I understand we all have setbacks now and again, we deal with it and move on, but with regionals 3 weeks away and trying to improve on weaknesses that make you feel like you have a huge set back, it can be very easy to get frustrated and show your emotions. Someone that noticed my frustration said to me "just use your emotion/anger in your workout" well I definitley did today. I understand the whole "use your anger in your workouts thing" but sometimes you just need to get mad.