Vic came up with the WOD for us. The first part was a individual 8 min AMRAP of
10 chest to bar pull ups
20 bar facing burpees
30 dbl unders
then immediately following we would get in our team of 4, two girls and two guys. One person starts on a exercise and once he/she moves on to the next exercise, team member 2 can start and so on and so on.
The team WOD was:
20 cal row, 20 push press135/95lbs, 20 toe to bar, and 20 wall ball shots
It was a GREAT WOD! I havent pushed myself this hard in a long time! I LOVED IT!
Im excited, Im ready, Im super determined to make team and go to the 2012 south central regionals! 3,2,1, GO!!
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